If your need is immediate, we can arrange a 7-day turnaround to begin solving your optical engineering challenge:
Step 1. A typical engineering services project starts with a description of your problem or challenge. Give us a call, send an email or click on the contact form below and tell us about your situation.
- Call 617-354-7557
- Email sales@optikos.com
- Complete the form below
Step 2. We’ll arrange a technical consultation by phone or in-person, whichever is easiest for you.
Step 3. Based on your problem description or our consultation with you, we’ll assemble the best team possible to address your issue. Depending on your requirements, your team may include engineering consultants, product specialists, or testing and IQ Lab™ experts.
Step 4. A Statement of Work is created that describes the situation and resources required for your solution.
Step 5. You’ll receive a Quotation against the Statement of Work.
Step 6. When you’re ready, issue your purchase order.
Step 7. Work on your project begins!